〒274-0825 千葉県船橋市前原西2丁目12番7号津田沼第一生命ビル6階
JR津田沼駅 徒歩3分(津田沼パルコ近く)
Unredeemed bills, Unpaid wages
When you are in trouble in collecting bills, or unpaid wages of a max amount of
Our two attorneys who are licensed to be preventative at the summary court
“kan-i-saibansho” will immediately enter negotiations for you.
Our price will be about the half of that of at law firm. If you ask, for example, to collect \500,000 bill at law firm, you need to pay \200,000 as a retaining fee and another
We, MIZUKAMI OFFICE require no retaining fee, but only actual expenses in advance. Our contingent fee percentage will be 20%〜40%.
\1,000,000〜\1,400,000 20%
\500,000〜 \990,000 30%
\10,000〜 \490,000 40%
対応エリア | 船橋、習志野、市川、八千代、鎌ヶ谷、浦安、成田、四街道、松戸、柏、我孫子 |