〒274-0825 千葉県船橋市前原西2丁目12番7号津田沼第一生命ビル6階
JR津田沼駅 徒歩3分(津田沼パルコ近く)
When you will start business in Japan, you are required to set up a legally approved organization.
The organization may choose from following two forms.
① establishment of branch office
② establishment of Japanese company
When you make your decision, please refer to the list.
Branch Office | Japanese Company | |
Corporate Name | The corporate name of your own country can be used. | A corporate name should include the words"kabushikikaisha" |
Corporate Status | ・Subordinate the status of the main office. | Independent corporate status. |
Capital | Requires no capital | ・Requires a remittance of the capital from the own country. ・No minimum capitalization requirements. ・One yen capital company may exist. |
Corporate Organizational Structure | ・Needs anyone who owns the address in Japan. ・His/her nationality is not asked. Title: A representative in Japan | Same as on the left Title: A director |
Accounts | ・The accounts are performed by adding up with the main office. ・The offset of profit and the money of deficit can be performed between the main office and a branch. | Independent accounts |
(client) (us) | Determine the necessary matters | Determine the necessary matters ↓ ↓ |
Registration | Registration license tax \90,000 Affidavit authorization fee at consul (ex. at US consul $30.) | Registration license tax \150,000 Articles authorization \ 52,000 |
対応エリア | 船橋、習志野、市川、八千代、鎌ヶ谷、浦安、成田、四街道、松戸、柏、我孫子 |