〒274-0825 千葉県船橋市前原西2丁目12番7号津田沼第一生命ビル6階
JR津田沼駅 徒歩3分(津田沼パルコ近く)

Required Notification

 Name of the Document


 National Tax Office

Notification of Incorporation of  a Company Within 2 months from the registration
Notification of a Foreign Company Within 2 months from the registration
Application for Blue Form Return Earlier of 3 months or first business year end
Notification of Establishment of an Office Paying Sararies for Withholding Tax Purposes Within 1month from the registration
Application for Depreciation Method of Depreciable Fixed Assets  By due date of tax return decraration
Application for Valuation Method of Inventory

Same as above

Application for Calculatin Method of Book Value per Unit of Securities  

Same as above 

Application for Translation Method of Monetary Assets and Liabilities Denominated in Foreign Currency  

Same as above

Prefectual Tax Office 

Notification of Incorporation of a Company  Within 1 month from the registration 

Municipal Office  

Notification of Incorporation and Change of a Company 

Same as above 

Tokyo Municipal Taxation Office 

Notification of Incorporation of a Company (Only when the head office of the company is located in the words of Tokyo)   Within 15days from the startup 

Social Insuarance Office 

Social Insurance and Employee Pension Documents   Within 5days from the startup 

Labor Standard Inspection Office

Notification of the Establishment of a Labor Insurance Relationship  Within 5days from the worker's engagement 

Public Employment

 Security Office

Notification of Creation of Business Establishment coverd by Employment Insurance
Notification of acquisition of insured status under employment insurance
Within 10days from the worler's engagement

 The application forms for the tac office can be downloaded from its HP.
Necessary documents vary with the forms, types, and methods of the accounts

proccessing of the company and where you apply. 
You may ask any question to the person incharge at a government office,
and also to a licensed tax accountant, and a social insurance consultant.


  1. 不動産の相続対策を検討されている方
  2. 相続・遺産整理手続(登記、税金、金融機関手続、相続人調査)で悩まれている方
  3. 借金返済で悩まれている方
  4. 各種登記手続


